Jul 4, 2009

Partnerships review month

We dedicate this month to review our existing partnerships and to have some new ones, using which we can offer some more innovative services or solutions in our niche areas. Keep watching our company site for the updates.

A note on Joomla upgrade from 1.5.11 to 1.5.12

After the recent upgrade of our sites from 1.5.11 to 1.5.12, while trying to edit a content page, we noticed that not all editing buttons could be seen at the top of the edit window. TinyMCE, our default editor, has got updated in this upgrade alongwith some security and other fixes. Googling, we figured that we have to edit the TinyMCE editor plugin's functionality to "Extended", apply the changes, and go to the extra settings that are now visible for that plugin, and enabled all that we needed. Hope this helps others.