Oct 5, 2009

Floods in Vijayawada

We thank everyone for contacting us to find out whether we are fine. We are watching the situation closely and The UX Group is safe from flooding as of now, as the flood water hasn't entered Vijayawada city yet.

We have been watching the histrionics, short-sightedness and the after-effects of systematic weakening of the basic administrative structure by the so-called leaders. None of them have the courage to own up this disaster! They blame the next state, they blame the officials of relevant departments, they might blame you and me too. However, when politicians and criminals interfere with the functioning of administrative mechanisms, and when the inept project contractors are taken care of so well (rather than the common man) by the state government and when corruption is encouraged by the government itself, this is very well expected and should be an eye-opener.

Our so-called leaders were so busy mourning for a whole month, that they do not have any energies left to worry about this disaster. They are just making fun of common man's trust in them. The question now is: Does it really matter to them, now that the elections are over?